Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It just occurred to me that I really don't like writing about myself, and if you aren't already bored with it you soon will be, I promise. The problem is that there are thousands of stories a day in New York and the last story in Loveland was recorded last year.

I thought I might try to keep this blog going, but Twila says she's through and I don't have anything to write about. If you have any suggestions about how to solve this conundrum, please send them to the email address of this blog, whatever it is.


cad said...

Move to France? Did you know 80% of their electricity comes from nuclear power plants? John Boehner thinks we should be more like them.

On the other hand, given what today is, I could also suggest Ireland.

New Zealand has already had it's disaster, so it isn't due for a while, right? It might also be a good candidate.

Anonymous said...

Actually, moving to France is on the table. Pourquoi pas?