Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bronx Zoo.

Tiger (video)

[everything is clickable -

if you have trouble playing the videos,

right-click on them and save them.]

Monkeys 1

Monkeys 2

Monkeys 3


Monkeys 4


Monkeys 5

Monkeys 6

Monkeys 7

Monkeys 8

Monkeys 9


cad said...

Monkey 2 looks a lot like a ring tailed lemur. Is this a test to see if we're paying attention?

cad said...

Did YOU take the rino's horn Durf? You devil! (I've been called a RINO, and there is usually no 'h' in that acronym unless you use it in a phrase: "Republican? Hell, In Name Only!")

Anonymous said...

Better 'RINO' than 'R', IMO.