Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Guest Post 1: I was that guy.

Durf wrote about some of the things he wouldn't miss about being in New York. One was New York drivers, about which I have a confession to make.

In the last millennium, my wife worked on a project to build part of the telescope for a joint US/European X-ray astronomy satellite called XMM. One of the scientists on the project, Jean, was a woman who once dated Steve Young of 49'ers QB fame. I met her and her fiancé, Greg, in South America. (That's another story.) Their wedding was about a year later, but we weren't invited because they're Mormon, we're not, and we wouldn't be allowed in the tabernacle. We were invited to the reception, which was to take place two weeks after the wedding in Manhattan. The reception only included dessert. So, we told people we were spending the weekend in New York City in the winter for dessert. (The dessert was gelato flown in from France. It didn't seem exceptional to me, but I only had a small taste, and my palate is untrained.)

Which finally brings me to the point of the story. On our way back out of the city, I decided that I should pretend to be a New Yorker for a few minutes, so I blasted my horn several times for no good reason at 11:30pm. It wasn't all that fun. Now I regret that I'm on Durf's 90% list.



Anonymous said...

OMG, you are a threat to humanity!

twila said...

Wow Carl, sure didn't peg you for *that* kind of a New Yorker.

And about your gelato experience, the problem was obviously *not* your palate. The problem was that Greg and Jean ordered the gelato from France instead of Italy. Duh.