Sunday, February 27, 2011


Certain aspects of this apartment.

Our house in Loveland is big and beautiful and we both love it. I did not want to leave it. When we did leave to drive to NY I was sad. But, somewhat to my surprise, I had no trouble adapting to apartment life. There are a lot of advantages: I don't have to mow the lawn (there is none), I don't have to shovel snow, and I don't have to worry about things breaking (because someone will come and fix them), among other things. But there are parts of this apartment to which I won't mind saying "Goodbye and good riddance!".

- The dishwasher. I swear on my mother's urn that it is the worst dishwasher I have even seen. It is an old Kenmore. Not only is it small, but it is impossible to load efficiently. It's as though it were designed by the devil. It doesn't get dishes clean unless they're clean when you put them in, and it leaves black specks (I don't even want to know).

- The clothes washer and dryer. Only because they're small, not that I don't see an advantage in that. Doing a small laundry every three days seems easier than doing a mondo load every ten days. I won't do that at home for a couple of reasons. First, it won't be as convenient - the appliances are downstairs, not right outside the bathroom. Second, it would be inefficient to use our industrial-sized washer and dryer for teeny loads.

- The bathroom. It's too small, the shower is poor (even though I tried two different handheld shower thingies), and the toilet doesn't flush properly.

- The kitchen sink. Too small, of course. But the worst is that there is no garbage disposal. In 2011? Give me a break! Every once in a while I read some expert's opinion that what you should put in your garbage disposal is: nothing. PFFFFT! It's a convenience, and a big one.

- The kitchen. It's too small.

I still like living here, but I'm really happy to be going home. If Twila were still here... well...

1 comment:

cad said...

Who mowed the lawn in Colorado when you weren't there? Or were your neighbors swearing at you until the snow covered it up?