Friday, January 7, 2011

State of the project - 01/07

I had a good idea for today's blog. Yesterday I'd planned to go to Manhattan to visit "The International Museum Of Crickets And Other Insects That Chirp". But when I was getting ready my female side apparently kicked in, because I looked around and said, "Golly! This place is a mess!" (My male side would never, ever say "golly".) I stayed home and tried to repair the damage that had occurred in two days without Twila. So, it's back to the state of the project.

There are a couple of webcams in the lab, which means that someone, somewhere could be watching me work at any time - and I know that the engineers usually are watching while they're in their offices. But it also means that I can log in to see what's going on. I usually do that at night before going to bed, to see if any surprises await. I didn't do it last night, though, and there was a surprise in the morning. FM2 had only one strongback on it, probably because something was wrong with a spacer. That saved some work today, but it also added one day more that I'll be in New York.

I think something is haywire with FM1 now. I just looked, and one of the engineers is examining the module intently. That's never a good sign.

There have been concerns lately about the precision of the build. Probably a lot of it is theoretical, and it's not surprising when the tolerances are 5 microns or less. A micron is 1/25,400 inch.

Soon I'm going to explain more clearly (I hope) how the optics are being built, and describe a couple of the issues that have arisen. Maybe I'll get to the cricket museum, too.


Not-so-anonymous said...

hmmmm. i'm wondering if this "urge to clean" will transfer to CO when the time comes.

Anonymous coward said...

Sing it with me, "If you can't be with the one you love, clean up the house instead!"