Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's the word?

Honestly, I can't think of the word I want, even after 3 days of thinking about it, and even though it's a word I've used often. It's kind of a combination of chutzpah and gall. I'm sure one of you can tell me.

Here's the story. On my commute home from work, there is a place where the two-lane road narrows to one lane about 100 yards before a stop light. Sometimes it's really trafficky there because there are a couple of schools just past the light. Cars frequently are stopped back to where the lane ends. (At the time I usually commute home, school is starting.)

We all know about this kind of situation. Let's say the right lane is ending... there's a sign that announces that well before it happens. A lot of people line up in the left lane, like proper Englishmen at a bus stop. Then there are those who zip by in the right lane and cut in in front of cars that have been waiting.

No-one likes line jumpers, but it's wrong to blame them in this situation. They are using the road the way it was designed. Blame the designers.

A couple of days ago I pulled up in the left lane behind a few cars followed by a school bus followed by a couple more cars. The bus had left a lot of space between it and the car in front of it. Then, no surprise, a car zipped by in the right lane, then pulled in in front of the bus. But he didn't just pull in, he pulled halfway in so he could block anyone from passing him on the right!

Now, what's the word for that?


twi said...

I think it begins with an "a" and has seven letters.

skipway said...

yes, and 2 words: selfish arrogance. I'll keep thinking of one word.

Anonymous said...

Twila - I had the same work in mind!

Anonymous said...

I am anonymous - Helene

Anonymous said...

Oh, SHUT UP! I'm serious.