Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Phase 2.

Please note that I did not write "Phase II". Why do some people want to label things with numerals that have been out of general use for over 1000 years? Do they think it makes them seem more important? Take the Super Bowl, for example, maybe the biggest event on Earth except for the World Cup and Lindsay Lohan's latest misadventure. I am an NFL fan, but I really have no idea which Super Bowl is next. I can translate Roman numerals easily enough, but why? I would actually have to think for a few seconds to see which Super Bowl is approaching, and I don't care enough to do it. As far as I'm concerned it could be Super Bowl &$%W8@ and it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. Anyway, moving right along...

Today is the beginning of Phase II (heh, just kidding). It is the second phase of Twila's and my New York adventure and also of this blog. When I was considering taking the NASA job, a couple of my friends told me the months would go by so fast I'd be shocked. That was certainly true. And when Twila and I first considered the possibility that I might stay while she went back to Colorado, we decided to postpone that decision until we had to make it, and that came way too quickly.

Yesterday we went to UPS to send Twila's latte machine home, a significant event. There is no latte better than a Twilatte, and she has one every morning. I love them, too, but I usually only have one on the special day of the week we have christened "Latte Sunday". So shipping the latte machine, the last thing to go, was symbolic. Later we went to our favorite (not really, not even close, but it's just a short walk from our apartment) restaurant, TGIF. Then we came home and watched half of a movie, but my mind was so far away I have no idea what the movie was about.

I told Twila that I was going to get up this morning (at 3:15) and just leave, because otherwise it would be too hard. Except for a quick extra hug and kiss, that's what I did. I was sorely tempted to go back for another kiss, even as I was walking to my car, but I soldiered on. In the words of the immortal E.A. Bibesco, "It is never any good dwelling on goodbyes. It is not the being together it prolongs, it is the parting." A limo picked Twila up at 5:30 AM or so, and now she's flying home.

Now that today is here, it's kind of a relief. I'm not at all happy that Twila's gone, but at least I don't have to dread it anymore. Now we'll both adapt and look happily forward to when we'll see each other again, and dread begone!

When Twila and I will be living together again, we're not sure. I'll report on the state of the project soon, which might yield a clue.

As for this blog, I'll do my best. The nature of it will change, because I'm not the adventurer that Twila is, but I'll try to say things that are at least a little bit interesting. I've already done hats - maybe I can do underwear next. :p


Ed said...

No underwear.... I would suggest tequila and stump bear hunting, after all, it's camping weather.

skipway said...

I'm just a lonely boy, lonely and blue / I'm all alone with nothin' to do ...

Anonymous coward said...

Once, at a wedding reception, the bride said there would be no kisses for glass tinkling. You had to sing a verse from a song with "love" in it. Almost immediately, the Stephen Stills song "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" went through my head. Nobody at my table would let me sing it though. I guess it isn't appropriate here, either. Darn!

twila said...

Smart to keep your identity a secret Mr. Anonymous Coward!