Saturday, January 22, 2011

Toilets (continued)

Ah, mysterious Maid in Manhattan, you have unleashed a firestorm. Let me just say this: Durf and I each do our part in prep for our reunion. He cleans the toilet, I shave my legs.

I couldn't resist a quick post (I believe Carl predicted this urge). I can't say that upon my return to NY it was as tho I never left. That's because I've never seen this apartment so clean. I had an almost irresistible urge to dine off the floor. It was sparkling! I'm not sure whom I have to thank for inspiring this behavior, whether the Maid, the NUSTAR team or the NY Department of Health, but if it's a uniquely NY behavior, I'm moving here permanently.

All kidding aside, I could tell Durf was happy to see me because there was a giant Snickers bar sitting on the counter. (my secret addiction)


cad said...

Welcome back! I'm happy to be right once in my life. But I'm not gloating, I'm just glad to see your smiling voice, er, to feel your happy words, er, whatever.

Enjoy the visit, and I hope you get to eat somewhere more interesting than the kitchen floor.

Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Twila is addicted to counters.