Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Wimps

What is it with New York and snow? It would seem that those New Yorkers who are still employed wake up each morning and look out the window. If they see a flake of snow, they shout, "Whooopeeee! Snow day!" and go back to bed. Those people would include, the paper girl, the mailman, the bank teller, the milkman, the garbage collector -- just to name a few who have disappeared (hopefully temporarily) from my life.

The whole phenomenon brings to mind Obama's comment about his own first snow day in Washington DC. Remember? He said snow does *not* close Chicago schools -- and "what is it with Washington DC?"

So during my last few days here, I'm watching garbage pile up and spill over the bins; I'm digging around in the snow drifts for treasures that might include a newspaper or two; and I'm putting my money under the mattress.

What's more, I'm quite sure I've seen the last of the Tarrytown sidewalks, whose disappearance Durf so colorfully described. I still plan to run, though. In fact, I'm thinking of returning to the Castle on the Hill where, shortly after our arrival in June, I presented my soaking wet body to the Maitre d' of the restaurant and made some joke about wet t-shirt contests. A repeat performance might require a roll in the snow, but I'm no wimp. Stay tuned.


cad said...

I heard a Canadian woman who was in Philadelphia for the postponed football game say "What's the big deal? Put on some boots and get out the snow tyres, eh?" (Yes, she really said "tyres", not "tires" :-)

Anonymous said...
