Friday, December 24, 2010

Nevis Labs.

When I walked into work today, I realized that I've posted photos of the optics lab, but not of Nevis Labs itself. It's a place where accomplished astrophysicists and Columbia graduate students work on state-of-the-art science. So I whipped out my trusty cellphone and snapped a few photos.

This is what I see when I first walk in from the hallway.

The gray room is where the X-rays are generated to bombard the optics. They travel through the cylinder on the left.

The gray room on the left is where the X-ray targets are held.

The gowning area for the optics lab is on the right.

The optics lab seen over the techs' workbench.

Some more high tech stuff.

1 comment:

cad said...

So, what is your plan if, as predicted, you guys get hit with a big storm tomorrow? Did you ever acquire that AWD Outback? (Is there a difference between AWD and 4WD? Does the spare tire spin with AWD?)