Because it was snowing yesterday, we thought it would be a good day to put up our NY Christmas tree. Here it is:
Ok, I should have said that *I* put up our tree yesterday. When I brought it home, Durf said, "Good grief, isn't it a little early? Aren't we supposed to wait until after Halloween? ....What? Halloween is over?"
This tree is a great improvement over the tree Durf had the last time he lived in an apartment. We have a picture somewhere and I wish I could show it to you, but you'll have to use your imagination. I can tell you that it was a broom. But a beautifully decorated broom, to be sure.
No lights? No tinsel?
Twila, if you don't get me your NY address it will be a "Date nut bread Free" Christmas, and I would hate for that to happen. It just seems to taste better in NY. Maybe it's Grossmutter's spirit. :)
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