Friday, September 24, 2010

Holy waters.

In an earlier post I mentioned that Mr. Pandey brought a bottle of Ganges River water with him to the U.S. Everywhere he travels, if he is able, he exchanges a few drops of that water with local rivers. Why? Here is the explanation in his own words:

I had brought the holy river Ganga (popularly known as Ganges the world over) water to pour into your river Hudson, Tom & Columbus and bring back the water of these rivers to pour into the Ganga so that the reflections of the holy water will go in the minds of the people of two countries cementing brotherhood between them.

1 comment:

skipway said...

fascinating insights into your lives in these recent posts, my friends, and I will add about the sweet Mr. Pandey--he doesn't seem pukka, and "real" as a definition of pukka as applied to a vegetarian is an enormous letdown; it seems that the meaning could better be described as "strict."