Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Here I am, blogging, though whether it's temporary or permanent I have no idea. I'll have to ask Twila the next time I speak with her.

She's off on her annual trip to the Telluride Film Festival, which basically means she's going to sit around all day and watch movies. What a waste of time! I, however, have a plan to make good use of my time while she's gone - I'm going to drink heavily and play Skee-Ball all day.

I don't know whether most of you have heard of ROD, but all of you have experienced it. It is the "Rule Of Diabolism". Twila and I named it when we were running together all the time and noticed that if you encounter other runners, it's always on the narrowest part of the trail. ROD, of course, has many extensions. Basically it means not only that what can go wrong will go wrong, but also that it will happen at the worst possible time.

Sort of like now.

Twila left today. She's going to miss Earl (hurricane), who is scheduled to arrive Friday or so. No telling how furious he will be by then. Even worse, I get my first vacation from work starting Monday. There aren't that many vacations penciled in, and this has to happen when my dear wife is off watching movies.

Well, as I said, I have a plan.

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