Thursday, September 23, 2010


There's a new playmate in town! Arthur turned up at the Tarrytown train station yesterday, having navigated from JFK by bus & train AND without a mobile phone. Who among you can do *that* in this day and age??? In the interests of full disclosure, I must reveal that he borrowed a mobile while on the train and called to report his impending arrival. But still....

Having grown up in Queens, Arthur knows his way around the city, and to prove it, he's taking me on a bike ride through Manhattan and Brooklyn today. He swears we can complete this adventure on car-free roads. Hmmmmm. The only car-free zones I've seen in Manhattan so far are Times Square and a few other similarly circumscribed plazas, so I am mildly skeptical, but eager to discover the hidden roads of NYC.

If, by some miracle, we survive, I'll report back tomorrow.

Aside: Because I'm still being questioned about the nuances of the word "pukka," I am reporting from a trusted source that the best English translation is "real." (This from my sister, Trina, who speaks Hindi far better than I.)

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