Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

As Twila mentioned, we went to Nyuck (alternate name: "The Pits") yesterday. It took a while to figure out why people live there. When Nyuckers are born, they are implanted with a chip, and an "invisible fence" circles the town. I know, it's shocking.

Well, our friend Arthur departed this morning after a week in our humble abode. Honestly, it couldn't have gone more exactly as I prophesied on 9/12 than if I had been Notre Damus himself. We did have a lot of fun. Twila and he went on several adventures, and he and I stayed up a couple of nights "chatting". Plus, the three of us went out many times. And, no, it was not exactly normal here. For one thing, I got almost no work done all week. Oh, wait - that pretty much is normal. But you know what I mean.

This morning we took Arthur to the train. He's going to Queens to spend a week with his sister, before heading back to Berkeley. We were both sad to see him go, kind of emotional, but it wasn't as bad as when Pandey left; partly because Arthur will be in spitting distance for another week, partly because California is a lot closer than India, but mostly because Arthur failed to sing to us in Hindi before he left.

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