Thursday, November 18, 2010


Nope, not a Bob Dylan sighting, fortunately, since I am SO *not* a fan. I'd go on but when I do, it tends to irritate some of my friends who are (incongruously) Dylan fans.

The Dylan I saw and visited on Tuesday was Dylan's Candy Bar. It's a candy store whose flagship is in midtown Manhattan. I happen to have a nephew with a sweet tooth and a birthday coming up. (Yep, both are coming up.)

For a while, Dylan's proclaimed itself the largest candy store in the world, but maybe Costco objected, so now it claims only to be the largest "unique" candy store in the world. Sheesh, the local 7-11 could make that claim!

Other problems with Dylan's advertising strategy: It claims Mary-Kate Olsen as a frequent buyer. That is *not* a sick joke on my part. But the ultimate irony is that the eponymous store is named for Dylan Lauren. That would be Ralph's daughter. You know Ralph, the guy who says you can't model his clothing if you weigh more than 80 lbs.

I bought some candy anyway.

1 comment:

cad said...

What? Not a Dylan fan? You must not have heard his Christmas album! There's nothing quite like hearing a Jewish guy who cannot sing butcher a bunch of Christmas songs! Highly recommended.