Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Hate Birds

Really. I do. And I'm sending out a big *sorry* to all you bird lovers and bird watchers out there. I definitely don't want to offend anyone, especially those of you who plan to vote for a democrat today. If you are a bird lover and you vote the democratic ticket and you also vote for the propositions etc that I support (feel free to ask), please ignore this post and go vote. You can read it later.

Anyway, as I was saying, I hate birds, especially New York birds. I can't figure out what useful purpose they serve. I do know that they poop all over the place. And I find it particularly annoying when they poop on me. Yesterday, I went to the Tarrytown library but I arrived a little too early so I walked over to the post office and the bank. Just normal chores, you know. I did *not* stop under a tree to answer my phone or anything like that. I was just walking along minding my own business -- and in a good mood, I might add -- when this bird decides to drop a load of shit on me. Now that put me in a *bad* mood, especially when I couldn't find any tissue or anything to wipe it off.

I'm recovering...slowly. I'll be back on track tomorrow. Cheerful, I'm sure -- especially if you democrats go out there and vote!


Anonymous said...

Oh I know I am just channeling Ted.

cad said...

I commend to you this video
