Monday, November 8, 2010


There's a new playmate in town!

(I had to title this post "Playgirl" to be fair to Arthur, who I believe, was not quite sure he liked being the subject of a blog titled "Playboy." Oh wait..."Playboy".)

ANYway, Cathy showed up last night at the Tarrytown train station with a smile on her face. This in spite of the fact that I made her find her way via public transportation all the way from JFK. And on the day of the NY Marathon, too! Of course, Cathy being Cathy, she had no trouble with any of that and arrived while the pizza was still hot and before Durf went to bed!

Speaking of the NY Marathon, two of the women on our most recent fashion tour were in town for the marathon. Made me want to run it. But with all the bandit-capture horror stories floating around, I think I'd rather just sign up some year. Maybe on my 70th birthday. I know Durf won't run with me. How about you, Arthur?


Arthur K. said...

Run a marathon when I'm 82????

On the other hand, the number of people 82 or over who finished this latest marathon was how many??

twila said...

But, Arthur, you aren't like other people!