Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween in New York

Durf & I have always loved Halloween. We dress up in scary costumes and Durf traditionally rigs up a fright, like a giant spider that drops onto the shoulders of the trick-or-treaters. We measure the success of our Halloween by the number of kids who burst into tears of fright or sail off our stoop into their daddy's arms.

So successful was our venue in Dublin that we had over 100 kids. In fact we suspected that some left and came back with other friends (or not) -- especially the year we ran out of candy and Durf went to the store and brought back boxes and boxes of *full-sized* (yep) candy bars.

Because we live in the back country of Colorado, we had only 8 trick-or-treaters the first year we were there. We grew that number to 35 by having Durf slay me with an axe after I opened the door. I would scream and toss candy at the kids as I fell to the floor.

Ok, back to NY. We actually expected to have ZERO trick-or-treaters. After all, we live in an apartment complex. And my mother never had any kids come by when she lived in a similar complex in Dublin. But much to our surprise, our NY doorbell rang for the first time at 5:30. The sun was still in the sky, for god's sake.

The final count last night was only 22. Most came while it was still light out and all were pre-teen. That was new. Best of all, it felt like a good-old-days Halloween. The kids were excited, they actually said "Trick-or-Treat," and they shouted out "Happy Halloween" as they raced down the steps and over to the next apartment.

Question: How old were you when you last went trick-or-treating? I'll confess...I was 19! And married!


Jan said...

Mom loved to tell about Durf's first Halloween. He picked a skeleton costume and was so excited about it. Mom dressed him up and he ran to look in the mirror. He scared himself so badly he hid and wouldn't go out at all. So I guess it wasn't his "first" Halloween.

twila said...

That's hilarious, Jan. Funny, Durf never told *me* about that.