Thursday, August 5, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while, perhaps a relief to many, but a blog without posts (although Twila's have been excellent, IMO) isn't much of a blog, so I'll blog why I haven't been blogging. And the reason is BLECCH!

It started on Sunday night. My father went into critical condition after having had an operation to remove a bowel obstruction. Now they're saying he has only a couple of days to live. I cried, now I'm okay.

On Monday night my iMac completely froze up for the 4th time since April.

Tuesday I broke glass on the telescope. SIX layers.

Later on Tuesday I did fierce battle with Apple, an arrogant company if there ever was one, demanding a new computer. Eventually they made me take the lemon Apple to a repair center to have them verify it isn't a software problem, even though the symptoms are the same as the first three times it went south, and although the computer wouldn't even boot. As of today, Thursday, I have not heard back from the repair center.

This morning I got to work at 05:30 and there was no hardware on the tool - the first thing I do every morning is remove the hardware, then prepare it for the day guys. So I did what I could and then left. At 07:00 my boss, the same one I feuded with, sent an email asking me why I went home, and I told him it was because I didn't have anything to do. So he wrote back and said he'd left me a note in the lab, telling me what to do. Now I'm wondering why he didn't leave the note SOMEWHERE I COULD FIND IT, which seems like it should have been obvious. I should have left him a note telling him where to GO and what he could do when he gets there.

To top things off, I decided I had to work on my finances ASAP, since finances are basically money, which everyone needs, especially since Republicans blocked the single-payer health care option, but I'm not going there at the moment. I do my finances using Quicken, which runs under Windows XP on my iMac, which is at the repair center. But I figured out what to do. I bought and installed Quicken for Mac, then attempted to restore my Quicken data file from (Smart move having offline backup, neh?) So I went to Mozy and requested the file and they told me they'd send an email when it is ready to download, and that was NINETY minutes ago, and still no email.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They can fix glass... go see your Dad.
