This sculpture was imported from NJ for the week, just in time for today's kiss-in. I decided to skip the kiss-in and try to get a shot of the statue without all the cheesy imitators by going to Times Square a day early. But really, what was I thinking? All the Edith-Shain-and-anonymous-sailor wannabes, were already out practicing. It's easy to get drawn in to the spirit, though. As I watched I felt a terrible itch to go up to each couple and rearrange arms and legs so that they matched the statue a little bit better.
The whole thing was pretty hilarious. You had the young ones who went up and just did their thing in front of the statue, not giving a hoot whether they matched. The middle aged ones were totally obsessed with getting the pose just right, which made them look awkward in the extreme. It was like (I imagine) watching Rush Limbaugh trying to grope...well, anyone. You just wanted to turn away. And then there were the older couples who were fun to watch, except I kept worrying that *he* was going to drop *her* so I began to stress about how long it would take the ambulance to make its way through the crowded city.
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