Friday, October 8, 2010

Car Buying Lessons

We looked at new cars yesterday. I've been hankering for AWD since that fateful day a few years ago when I had to park my Prius at the bottom of our snowy driveway.

One advantage of buying a car in NY is that NY is a clean car state. So PZE (partial zero emissions -- now what does *that* mean, you math people???) or better is required for new cars. Colorado, on the other hand, is a don't-tell-me-what-to-do state and you can't get a PZE Vehicle even if you want it. Well, maybe by special order.

I haven't bought a car from a dealer since...hmmm.... 1989. Holy cow! Before the internet! My, how things have changed. Now, you can easily find the invoice price of a car and the wholesale cost of the options you want. Better yet, you can find out what the manufacturer charges the dealer for delivery, as well as the carefully-guarded manufacturer's kickback to the dealer (also known as the dealer holdback). On top of all that, provides a script to help you negotiate. It includes such gems as.... Don't be rude and mention the dealer holdback unless the sales person has the audacity to tell you he's losing money on the car. Then you can ask him about the holdback.

I just love the internet. Who would have thought car negotiations could be fun!

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