Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Washington Square

New Yorkers don't really need movies and theater. They have Washington Square Park, and in the park, there's something for everyone.

Near the fountain you will find music, but if you stop to listen you are in danger of being hit by a skateboard.

Two days ago, there was a new(?) con in town: the "Electric Chaircut" guy. He was all decked out in wires and a dangerous-looking backpack (where is TSA when we need it?). He picked an attractive young woman from the growing audience and offered her a haircut. He taped her (with electric tape, of course) to a chair and proceed to turn on his amplifier (to produce ominous static) and...cut her hair. Wow. I wonder what his tips look like.

And, of course, at the west end of the park you'll find the chess players. The speed chess players are really fun to watch because they yell while they play. "Take that!" one says as he pounds the clock. Then the response, "Take that!" I like the costumes, too.

I think these guys (below) were in the park illegally. They seemed to be playing cards.

Rumor has it that NYU is trying to annex the park for graduation ceremonies and classes al fresco. I hope it doesn't come to that. Haven't they ever heard of People's Park?


Anonymous said...

That is just gross!!! how does he sanitize the scissors?

Anonymous said...

He wipes them in his armpit.