When I first encountered this sight, I couldn't help but think "What if you had to get home in a hurry because you had to pee?" (I'm not kidding. Those are the kind of thoughts I have these days.) I asked the garage attendant if he had to move all the cars in the lower levels to get at the cars in the upper levels. He said yes. (Durf said, "Duh" but I thought maybe there was some sophisticated craning system or something.) So my worst fears were confirmed.
Cars aren't the only things stacked up around here. Stores, too. I went looking for the local Target yesterday. I knew it was in downtown White Plains. (Remember what happened to me the last time I was in White Plains? Think the "F" word.) So I drove 'round and 'round the block where the store was supposed to be. I don't know what made me glance up -- it was probably to ask god to help me find the damn store -- when lo and behold, there was Target sitting on top of Barnes & Noble. Good grief. I never did figure out how to get my shopping cart full of stuff down to the street and over to my car, which was parked at an expired meter.
Permanent NYC residency would take some lifestyle adjustment on my part, for sure.
Hmmm. I'd really like to hear more about how the "F" word happened to you in White Plains.
In Japan, I've seen car storage machines which do everything automatically. You drive the car in, punch some buttons, and put in your credit card. Then the door closes, the machine grinds away and your car disappears. For all I know, they transport it to the back side of the moon. When you need your car, you just push some buttons, put your credit card back in, wait for the grinding and whirring to finish, and voila!
Yes, the car storage machines are way cool. We saw them in Milan, also.
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