And that's the newish style of men wearing 3-day (est.) beards. Here is one example, Dr. Gorgeous, or whatever they call him, from "Gray's Anatomy" (no, we don't watch it, it jumped the shark long ago):
These are guys who would walk around with their peni hanging out, if they had one worth showing. They probably all own Hummers, too, and spit on the sidewalk in a manly "take that, sidewalk" kind of way.
It isn't too hard to figure out what these dorks are thinking. "I'm a MAN!" "I'm an ANIMAL!" "Look at me, I have a beard, I'm HOT! Meanwhile, everyone else is thinking, "You're a freaking SLOB!"
I mean, what *is* that?
Hi Durf,
By strange coincidence, a friend posted this on Facebook the other day. Here's your answer (!):
No doubt some women prefer slobs. Probably thinking they'll change him later. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :p
My comment is dumb, because I just zipped it off. My actual opinion is more nuanced, and I may post about it later. Thanks, Debs.
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