Sunday, October 17, 2010

I can't turn my back for a second!

We had hardly stepped foot out of Colorado before Doug Bruce (crazy Colorado republican) started to go wild. I cannot even list all the bizarre initiatives and referenda he has managed to put on the CO ballot. Just as we brought blueness to CO in 2005, it appears that our leaving (even temporarily) has allowed redness to leak back in.

Then, mere days after Durf and I remarked on the importance of our votes in this election, I received a notice from CO telling me that my absentee ballot would not be forwarded and that I was about to be dropped from the voter rolls. ACK ACK ACK.

But even Doug Bruce couldn't keep that ballot out of my hands, and yesterday I voted.

I had to put this in our blog, just in case Mr. Bruce (like The Shake Shack) is trolling the internet for his name.

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