Monday, July 5, 2010

But we do know lightning bugs!

Twila understated, IMO, the serendipity in our escape from being crushed by a humongous tree branch. We were walking at deep dusk down a quiet residential street, when Twila said, "Oooooh, look at the fireflies!" We stopped for about 10 seconds to observe their glittery show, then resumed walking. Just then we heard a loud cracking noise, as if Dumbo had landed in a tree just in front of us, and a couple of seconds later the monster branch and other debris landed where we might have stood if the fireflies had not saved us. I hereby promise to never again capture one of those delightful creatures to put in a jar for "oooh" and "aaah" purposes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just got home from dropping my daughter off at OSU... One of her main concerns was seeing fireflys (part of her decision to go to school there I think). They are really cool, much better than I remember as a kid, but i like the little things more now.