I wended my way to the Pruyn Butterfly Sanctuary yesterday. Anyone who's been to Monarch Grove in CA will pooh pooh the modest number of butterflies that hang out in the wetlands of New York. Bear in mind that these swamps sit right in the middle of Westchester County, only a hop skip and jump from a city crawling with 8.4 million people! Even more interesting, I was the only one at Pruyn! Just me, the butterflies and 92 acres of poison ivy. Perhaps the joke's on me. Time will tell.
The harrowing part of the trip was the driving. I'm still unfamiliar enough with the highway system that every time I get in the car, I fear I will inadvertently put myself on a NY tollway and find myself driving around on it endlessly. ("Well did she ever return, no she never returned, and her fate is still unlearned...dum de dum....") Or worse, I might end up on one of those awful bridges and have an attack of gephyrophobia that's so bad I'll need to be towed off the bridge. ACK!
None of that happened.
I'll bet you had to look that up!
Twila, Did you see this in the Wikipedia entry (yes, Durf was right that I had to look it up to get an exact definition) on gephyrophobia?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gephyrophobia
"The New York Thruway Authority will lead gephyrophobiacs over the Tappan Zee Bridge. A driver can call the authority in advance and arrange for someone to drive the car over the bridge for them. The authority performs the service about six times a year."
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