Friday, July 2, 2010

The Neighbors

Our neighbors are a hoot, though. And definitely friendly. Getting to know your neighbors is the best part of apartment living imo. I still don't know my CO neighbors, but I have little doubt we'll have more than a passing acquaintance with our NY neighbors before our time here is up.

Our stairwell seems to be a gathering place on hot nights. The adults bring their folding chairs and cold drinks while the kids play in the street. Wheel-chair Robert gets impatient for people to come out so you can hear him calling out to his friends in the early eve. Kevin, who lives in the apartment below us with his three kids, has to serve as sentry during these gatherings to ensure that nobody tramples the garden he and his kids have planted under the steps.

We're all trying to learn names. I've been called everything from Twilight to Toilet, so far. Reminds me of my junior high school nickname.

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