Sunday, July 4, 2010

Carousing in NY

Carousing? If embarking on a six-hour self-guided walking tour of NYC is carousing, then yep, I surely was.

I went downtown to get the lay of the land, but in my heart, my primary goal was to find H&H Bagels and do a taste test.

A serendipitous byproduct of yesterday's adventure was the perfect idea for my next video documentary. It will be titled "New York Men and their Dogs," and there will be no shortage of material. While strolling through Hell's Kitchen, I stumbled across a young man chasing after a tiny hairy dog. He caught the dog and immediately began wiping said dog's butt with a paper towel. The dog escaped and there ensued another chase, more butt wiping etc etc. Then not a block later, a different young man dashed across my path in pursuit of another little dog. This time, instead of a paper towel, the young man held pinched between thumb and index finger a tiny neon green bootie. Sure enough, the little rat dog had only three neon green booties in place. Soon to have four, though. Will I be allowed to put this stuff on film? I hope so.

So far I love NY.


Anonymous said...

Not being a dog lover I am sure you don't quite understand the butt wiping and green bottles (tho I have never seen a dog owner make the dog pee in the bottle before) Now that is a good dog owner!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh bootie not bottle